(Daucus carota) (aka James Scarlet) Mentioned by Vilmorin in 1885 as having been grown for a “long time.” James Vick & Sons Co. of Rochester, New York reported in 1924 that St. Valery was “The best and most handsome main crop carrot. . . . Enormously productive.” Fine-grained red-orange roots grow up to 12" long. Deliciously sweet, excellent for storage. 80-90 days.
DIRECT SEED 1/2" Apart | SEED DEPTH 1/4" | ROWS APART 16-24" Apart | THIN 2-4" Apart |
Green Thumb Tip
Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost or as soon as soil can be worked. Tamp soil firmly; keep bed moist until emergence. Germination is slow and uneven, so be patient. Using spun polyester row covers may improve germination rates.